Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Discover the Benefits of the OC48 Circuits

The OC48 is a high-speed digital network connection that is capable of transmitting at a speed of about 2.5 gigabits per second. This type of dedicated line is designed for large companies and universities with a large campus environment. The super speed allows for transmission of large databases over a busy network.

The OC48 is equal to 4 OC12s. To get an idea of the size this equates to approximately 1600 T1 circuits. The OC48 is engineered specifically for your location and can be used for voice or data. It can also be divided and used for both. The large bandwidth of the OC48 provides fast service for your network backbone.

Because of the large amount of lines and capabilities of the OC48 the pricing is based on the specific configuration. The OC48 allows for full Internet access to all streaming data and can handle many Internet connections at a time.

The OC48 is made for large and super-large applications and those requiring the maximum amount of bandwidth. This may include campus environments such as hospitals and universities. An OC48 can be used as the backbone in large installations.

OC stands for Optical Carrier. The OC48 is a group of fiber optic circuits. This allows the OC48 to support such high speeds. The OC48 is suitable for a large enterprise or ISP backbone. Fiber provides a stable and reliable method of delivery for these circuits both for voice and data applications.

OC48 bandwidth is the big story here. With speeds of up to 2.488 Mbps the OC48 is a logical choice when large applications are used. These can include streaming video, multiple large text files and graphics. The bandwidth supports any current application available today as well as future applications. For the business serious about its communication system, the OC48 is the best method for the price.

The costs for initial installation and setup are quite steep, usually over $100K, the fees are comparable with those of standard lines. The cost savings benefits potential is great, however, with most savings being recognized within about a year of start-up.

Space considerations are also an important part of the decision to use an OC48. The OC48 consists of a number of termination points, however, it uses substantially less space than the same amount of regular copper trunks would take up. This allows you to have the right amount of lines in the smallest space possible.

OC48 circuits are extremely reliable. These circuits are constantly being monitored from the central office. If any problems arise with a circuit the problem can often be easily resolved remotely. The large amount of lines with the OC48 means that you can bypass any lines that are having trouble, making communication seamless to the end user, who likely would not know of the problem.

Circuits are shared with users as they are available so you need not have one per person. In fact, in most voice T1 applications the general rule of thumb is to have one T1 per each 50 to 100 users.

The OC48 eliminates the need for most of your copper circuits. This will bring an immediate cost savings. You will need to keep some copper trunks as a backup in the case of a power outage or system problem. You may also want to consider the use of a UPS system or generator in the event of a power failure.

Many types of service plans are available for the ongoing service issues with your OC48 circuits. Be sure to choose a plan that gives you optimal coverage, particularly during your peak times. If you support an operation that is 24/7, as most large applications do, be sure to get a service plan that supports your 24/7 operation as well. This is like taking out an insurance policy for your communication system.

Article written by Van Theodorou, visit his site for both data and long distance for business services. He also has a very popular teaching on VPNs, call VPN Information.

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